Proclaiming God's Kingdom

Blessings, Inheritance, New Calendar, Life from the Dead

Just happen to think! Look at all these celebrations we have. All these are directly to do with our Christian heritage in Jesus. Which seems to have been hi-jacked by the world to make us powerless and to only be used to make merchandise of us. Thanksgiving was given to remind us to be thankful for God’s blessing of this new land and freedom in Jesus. Now it is to fatten us up for black Friday. Christmas, the celebration of our inheritance by the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was rich, and became poor, that we though His poverty might be rich. now it is a time to go in debt, stress out, and stand in line to take back what we can not use. The New Year we have to start fresh. The New year was brought to true light when the world was darkened by the death of Jesus, and a new calendar was created the time before Christ and the time after His death. We live in the days and blessings the prophets spoke of. It is the time God is pouring out His Spirit upon all people because Jesus has made a new day for us through giving us the promise of the Spirit.The world has turned it into a party time and a time to set us up for failure through new years resolutions we can not keep or live without Jesus power. And finally Easter, the great celebration of life from the dead. Jesus giving Himself for our sins burying them and giving us life giving power living by the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead. Now with rabbits laying candy eggs and chickens that pip to make children happy, and celebrations for the one finding the most eggs hidden where they could be found, No wonder our nation is having a bit of a hard time. Maybe we have lost focus and built our lives upon fairy tales and not the solid rock. BUT there is great hope, the light of the world Jesus living in His people with power, and putting our focus on the creator and not the creation. Look up and live high, higher than the world’s standard of shopping and parties but living in the JOY of the LORD. Blessings!!!!