Proclaiming God's Kingdom

Working out our Salvation

Paul tells the Philippians to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Peter preaches in acts two to deliver yourselves from the untoward generation. The thought is, we all have in our generation, things that are not toward God. We are in a generation that has lost a God conscience of he fear and presence of God. Therefore we are given over to our own desires.It has led us to find our own means of peace and healing, so drugs has replaced the Lord’s peace and joy, as well as His Divine health that comes through His word. With all this we have lost our created image of Him in the truth of male and female. The salvation we are called to work out in this generation is to become the influence of salt and light. We must influence this culture with the kingdom of God, living empowered by His Spirit to live the truth and confront this drug culture and confusion of sex and perverse life living that has no power to reproduce, or bring about any fulfillment of life in any manner. The salvation of our future is at stake. It is not the question of our salvation of heaven, but our salvation brought to our community to save the next generation from such ungodly folly. Please get involved and let your voice be heard in heaven in prayer, and working to stand with the righteous stand in voice and action in the halls of decision. We have the mandate to transform and train our community in the ways of heaven. Blessings!!!!

                                  Faith and Patience to inherit God’s Promises

(II Peter I:1-12)

I.   II Peter 1:1-12 (vision and power)

II.  James 1:2-4 (must let patience work to mature in Christ)

     A. Produces a life of no lack through God

III. Romans 5:1-5 (it takes tribulation to produce patience)

      A. Patience builds character and character of experience gives hope

      B. Hope brings us to trust in His love and not be disappointed

Iv.  Revelation 1:9 (His kingdom is tribulation and patience)

V.   Hebrews 6:12 (through faith and patience we inherit the promises)

      A. Hebrews 10:36 (need patience after you have done God’s will to receive the promise)

VI.  Luke 21:19 (in your patience you posses your souls)